History of the Little People:

          For thousands of years dwarves have been known for being servants, circus acts, and slaves to society.  They have been disrespected and just now they are starting to make a stand for themselves.  Not to long ago they where used in circus acts, claiming to be "the shortest man alive" or used as a clown or even used for acrobatic purposes.  Making people wonder about their short stature was what the circus' main view was.  Not only were little people used in circuses they where used as servants 1000's of years ago back in Egypt.  Pharohs used them as foot stools and fanners, also for entertainment purposes as well.  These people havent been treated right at all through out the years until society finally let them in on life.  You can see midgets pretty much every where you go if you live in a city, and even if you own movies.  It was said that around 60 dwarves where casted in the "Wizard of Oz".  As of the late 1990s, there is no treatment to reverse the defect present inachondroplasia.