Treatment primarily addresses some of the complications of the disorder, including problems due to lack of nerve and feeling, hydrocephalus, bowed legs, and abnormal curves in the spine. However, most dwarves enjoy good health and can have a normal lifespan. They can ungo therapy but must start at an early age. This therapy helps with everyday life and hard situations they may come across; they are basically learning alternative routes around things that don't match up to them. Others who are effected by the disorder but to a greater limits suffer from aching bones and unhealthy lifestyles. These dwarves often go onto having serious surgeries to fix their bowed legs, or their bent spine. The most efficient treatments for a little person though I have found is to have he or she around the same kind of people who have the same problems and to talk about what they can and cannot do to help eachother out.
Note: The LPA (Little People of America) are a non funded group of trusting Dwarfism related people who are willing to listen to a struggling little person's story.